Monday, August 31, 2009


Currently, there is a lot of furor in the media over Eric Holden’s decision to pursue the investigation of alleged prisoner abuse by CIA agents during the Bush Administration. However, I believe there is an even more sinister meaning for this move.

The Obama Administration is gradually bypassing all the checks and balances in our government (not to mention ignoring the Constitution). He is appointing czars, rather than Cabinet Officials, and moving power and control to the Executive Branch, while weakening our traditional institutions. I believe that the hoopla about the supposed “torture” is simply a smoke screen.

Obama already has his own military which was created within AmeriCorps, under the GIVE Act. This Act authorizes AmeriCorps, at the President’s command, to deploy the “National Service Reserve Corps” anywhere in the US; even though that would be a direct violation of States rights. Now, with the excuse of preventing further abuse, he has created his own “new, special terrorism-era interrogation unit"1.

“The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG will be headquartered at the FBI and overseen by the National Security Council, which puts the White House firmly in charge. Interrogation had previously been the province of the CIA and the military.”2

Given that some members of Congress have called Tea Party Protesters “Terrorists”, and I am a Tea Party Protester, I find this worrisome.

1.“Obama spokesman announces interrogation unit “By Delvin Barrett, Associated Press, Monday, August 24, 2009
2. “New Unit to Question Key Terror Suspects”, By Anne E. Kornblut, Washington Post Staff Writer , Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009


In July of 2008, while Obama was still campaigning for the Presidency, he made the following astounding statement; "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." See

Within the "National Civilian Community Corps, there is an actual military force established. It is called the "National Service Reserve Corps". (See Part II, Section 198H of the GIVE Act.) This force is to be made up former military and Veterans or, in other words, people who already have military training. This could include Regular Military, Special Forces, Navy Seals, SWAT or etc.

The force is like the National Guard in that they will be in reserve until called, and there are provisions to fund them, provide travel arrangements, living stipends, housing, and insurance. The money will be put into a fund, and any not used in the current year can be held in the fund for later years, and be used for "out of pocket" expenses. One presumes the money will also be used to equip them as needed.

The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, and other government entities are instructed to inform veterans, who are recently discharged, released, or separated from the Armed Forces, about the National Service Reserve Corps. This should insure that this force will grow fairly rapidly. It is modest now but, like many of the bills that the current Administration has passed, a framework is in place that can be augmented later.

The scariest part is that, unlike the National Guard, the National Service Reserve Corps only answers to AmeriCorps which answers to the President. There is nothing in the bill to stop them from being deployed in any State, with or without the permission of that State, neatly circumventing State's Rights and the Constitution. They are ostensibly for a rapid response to National Disasters, but the Act says "disasters or emergencies" and "emergency" is not defined anywhere in the bill.

Have we just created a national secret police, similar to Germany's SS Troops?

What is to stop the President from declaring Martial Law and deploying this force against whoever he pleases? Or, if not this President, a later one?

**See Part II, Section 198H of the GIVE Act