Friday, September 4, 2009


1.Speaker Pelosi, if you believe that “Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American”, why do you keep trying to do it?

2.Congress, what guarantee can you give that you will not steal the money from the Health Care Trust Funds as you did from the Medicare and Social Security Funds?

3.The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting a different result. You can’t spend your way out of debt!

4.Sometimes you just have to say NO!

5.Homemade signs =Homemade anger!

6.I’m for affordable Health Care that’s available to everyone and doesn’t bankrupt the country. That’s why I am against Obamacare.

7.Where the government controls everything, the people are slaves.

8.If you allow the government to take over every aspect of your life, you will be a slave, no matter what color you are.

9.When a million dollars equals one yen, who will have health care?

10.Al-Qaeda beheads people and I’m the Terrorist?

11.Freedom of Speech means you have to put up with opposing views. NO FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, NO LOCALISM, NO DIVERSITY!

12.It’s the Constitution Stupid!

13.It’s Congress that needs fundamental change!

14.Why are special interest groups running our government?

15.I’m angry because I read the bills!

16.My Guru is Charles Krauthammer.

17.Overspending, over borrowing, and risky investments crashed our economy.
Now we call these things “stimulus”.

18.When the theater is burning, you have to yell “FIRE!”

19.It's not wealth Obama is distributing. It's debt.

20.Our freedom depends on the media reporting ALL the news.

21.In a Federal Republic, the Feds should have to beg money from the States, not the other way around.

22.Who will pay taxes when all the taxpayers are bankrupt?

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