Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dear Senator Graham:

We support alternative fuels, wind, and solar energy. We also support more nuclear plants, clean coal technology, and offshore drilling (because if we do not drill for this oil, Russia, China, Cuba and etc. will, from just outside of the International Line). Their technology is not environmentally safe. Our technology is state of the art environmentally safe, as the lack of spills after Katrina, Ike and other major hurricanes attest.

We have studied the "global warming problem", and found that most noted Scientists (Those that are not dependent on the US or European governments for funds) agree that the planet is currently in a cooling mode. They also agree that high levels of carbon in the atmosphere follow a warming period, they do not cause it, and that man’s contribution to atmospheric carbon levels is negligible. Over the summer, approximately 30,000 scientists signed a petition disputing the claim that global warming is an anthropogenic phenomenon.

The evidence is that high sunspot activity in the sun has the closest relationship to intermittent warming periods on the earth. There is also a new book called “The Chilling Stars” by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder that supports the theory that sub-atomic particles from exploded stars have more effect on the climate than manmade CO2.

However, even if we believed the extravagant claims of Al Gore, taxing carbon emissions and creating “carbon credits” will do nothing to curb carbon emissions. The carbon credits will likely become a new security that financial wonder boys will trade, ultimately creating yet another bubble.

We understand your reasoning that, if legislation is not created, the fallback will be the E.P.A., who will create, supposedly, even more onerous regulations. However, any bill that passes the Senate will be unrecognizable after Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid have “reconciled” it with the House version. It will have all the worst provisions of HR 2454, will further the complete takeover of the U.S. economy by the current administration, and will have crippling taxes for the Middle Class. We know this because it has become a consistent pattern.

If you pass an energy bill in the Senate, you will open the door to the above. Whatever the E.P.A. does can be undone. When Conservatives control the Congress and Senate you can address the other issues in your op-ed piece in the New York Times.

For now, Vote “NO” to any global warming bill; for God’s sake, don’t create one!

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