Thursday, July 23, 2009



Following is a list of solutions to the Health Care System that have been proposed by different Conservatives, and health care professionals. They have been mentioned by so many, that I do not remember where I first heard them. Note that none of these solutions involve a government single payer system. Here is what I have so far:

1.Expand HSA’s and allow them to be portable, and to be saved over long periods of time.

2.Tort Reform!!!!*

3.Allow Doctors to charge much less for routine care when they do not have to file for insurance payments. Then Health Insurance will be needed only for catastrophic care. (Example: Qliance in Seattle)**

4.Make Insurance Companies compete nationwide (ie. give option to buy individual or group insurance from companies nationwide).

5.Disconnect health insurance from jobs. Allow people to shop for their own best deal. Allow young, healthy people to buy individual insurance at low rates; then keep it over time no matter who they work for, as they do now with life insurance.

6.If people choose to accept an Employer Group Plan and then leave their job, make sure they have the option to keep their insurance with the plan’s provider, at an individual rate, with no increases for “preconditions”.

7.Eliminate voluntarily uninsured, temporarily uninsured, and illegal aliens from the uninsured statistic (Leaves about 10 to 17 million). Then we can look at ways to help this core group.***

8.Give doctors and Hospitals tax incentives to maintain free clinics for poor.

9.Give back the charitable contributions tax deduction for donations to these clinics.

10.Demand that any “Public Plan” mandated by Congress will apply to them as well.

11.On a gradual scale, increase the age of eligibility for Medicare for anyone who is 60 or less similarly to what has been done for Social Security.

12.Allow Medicare recipients the option of carrying only catastrophic health insurance and allow Doctors to charge them less for the routine care, as above.

13.Vigorously investigate and prosecute fraud.

14.Allow self insurers ie. individuals, medium and small businesses, to group together in pools in order to get lower group rates.

15.Give persons who purchase individual health insurance a tax deduction similar to that given to employers who offer group health insurance to their employees.

*The cost of malpractice insurance, plus the practice of “defensive medicine” is a huge cause of the increased cost.

**I believe another large part of the increasing cost of health care is the huge administrative cost of health insurance to Doctors and Hospitals. I remember when no-one had health insurance and the vast majority of the population could afford to go to the doctor, and to go to the hospital to have a baby, or an appendix or etc. removed.

***I had said that it is Un-American to require people who don't want it, to carry health insurance. However, many have pointed out to me that we require licensed drivers to carry insurance. I'm thinking about this.

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