Friday, June 26, 2009


Back in April, I posted a copy of a letter that I had sent to our congressmen asking them to block “Localism” which is the new Fairness Doctrine. In the letter I stated:

“These boards would have the power of intimidation, or even the ability to cause the loss of broadcast licenses. This would amount to blatant censorship, and would be the death of free speech in America.

Any entity with the power to determine whether media content “serves the public interest” would do so according to their own agenda. Whoever is in charge would have the ability to silence any opposition, thereby ensuring continued power. This would be the death of democracy in America.”

What I did not understand at the time is that there was no legislation to block. All was and is, already in place. It only waits for the new FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski, to be confirmed.

Lately, complaints from the liberal media and the blogosphere regarding Conservative members of Congress, Fox News, and radio talk show hosts have been greatly stepped up. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and Bill O’Reilly have been accused of inciting violence, including the murder of the Abortionist, George Tiller! There are many articles talking about domestic conservative terrorists and worse.

I believe there is, as usual with our liberal friends, an underlying agenda, behind these charges. They will become part of the case for complaints filed with the FCC in Localism Proceedings, just before licenses become due for renewal. Broadcast licenses will be revoked, and given to minority owners in the name of promoting diversity.* The new owners will be able to obtain financing through the initiatives put in place by former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin. In other cases, Conservative pundits will be fired by stations under the threat of losing their license.
*I am for minority ownership and diversity of information; just not at the expense of conservative sources. Without them, there is no longer diversity.

It is not only talk radio and broadcast television that will be targeted. The following documents indicate to me that the plan is to bring cable television and the internet under the Localism purview as well. Possibly, the Recovery Act funds for the expansion of broadband internet access, like the TARP funds, will become the excuse for a government takeover of the internet.

There was a time that I would not have believed all this could be possible, but we have lately seen that there is no limit to what the current Administration with the Democratic Majority believes it can do.



Per Connie Hair at

“The framework for the attempt by Democrats to silence political opposition is already in place in what the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) calls localism, a scheme set up in the form of local “community boards” that will decide whether or not your local broadcast station is meeting the standards required to review and renew their broadcast licenses every two to four years.”

In “The Public and Broadcasting: How to Get the Most Service from Your Local Station; Revised July 2008” at: the FCC defines “localism” as follows:
“In exchange for obtaining a valuable license to operate a broadcast station using the public airwaves, each radio and television licensee is required by law to operate its station in the “public interest, convenience and necessity.”

This publication also states that each station must provide the public with information about how it has met this obligation by means of quarterly reports which must be made available to any member of the public. Further, it says that “The public file is an excellent resource to gauge a station’s performance of its obligations as a Commission Licensee.”

Localism Proceedings are described as “
The purpose of Localism Proceedings is to gather information from consumers, industry, civic organizations, and others on broadcasters’ service to their local communities. Along with competition and diversity, promoting localism is a key goal of the Commission’s media ownership rules.”

At the end of this publication is a Complaint Section with contact information for Community organizations and individuals who wish to file complaints. Or they can go to for online instructions. Note that a radio, or television station may lose their license as a result of these complaints.

According to ACORN’s website at they are ready :

“The right to communicate is fundamental. The increasing concentration of ownership in communication industries ensures that, unless positive steps are taken, the concerns of low- and moderate-income people will continue to be ignored.
I. Make it possible for low- and moderate-income community groups to have their own sources of information
A. Initiate government funding to low- and moderate-income community groups in order to assist them in establishing their own sources of information.
B. Exempt government funding to low- and moderate-income community groups in order to assist them in establishing their own sources of information.
C. The Federal Communication Commission should revise its policies so that broadcast applicants with low- and moderate-income boards of directors are more likely to be awarded stations.
II. Make the mainstream media accessible and accountable to low- and moderate-income people.
A. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting, so that grass roots community groups have equal time to express their views.
B. Require cable TV companies to make good on their promises to allow community groups access to air time, or revoke their operating licenses.”
Personally, I am quite sure that ACORN has complaints ready to file, and that the FCC boards which have the responsibility to review the complaints, have been well populated with supporters of the Fairness Doctrine.
Declan McCullagh wrote an article dated March 3, 2009 at titled “Obama picks Net neutrality backer as FCC chief”In it, he states “Genachowski is likely to continue the Democratic push for more Net neutrality regulations, which are opposed by some conservatives and telecommunications providers. He was a top Obama technology advisor and aided in crafting a technology platform that supported Net neutrality rules.”
Brad O’Leary, author of “Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech” states:
“Julius Genachowski, an Obama friend from Harvard Law School and the mastermind behind Obama's online fundraising machine, is an ardent supporter of so-called "net neutrality" regulations, perceived by O'Leary as a first step toward "Fairness Doctrine"-style regulations on content for the Internet. Genachowski would have government decide what content Internet operators and network owners must provide.”
Mr. O’Leary further says:
“Genachowski also advocates creating new media ownership rules that promote a diversity of voices on the airwaves. In fact, Genachowski is credited with helping craft the Obama technology agenda, which states: "Encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum."
At , John Eggerton quotes the acting FCC chairman Michael Copps:
“Copps said, "one of the big things I have been interested in is minority ownership of broadcast properties. The time to start moving on that is right now. But we have to make sure that as we go forward with new policies we have the legal underpinnings that we need to satisfy the courts and the factual documentation we need to have to verify our case and if we have to do additional studies, this is the time to do it. I am putting that into motion."
“He said he is teeing it up so that "when the new group gets here...they won't have to start from scratch." That new group is still expected to be headed by his presumptive permanent replacement, Obama tech policy adviser Julius Genachowski.
Per Mr. Eggerton:
“The FCC did approve a dozen or so minority initiatives under former Chairman Kevin Martin, including two key ones, says Honig -- one that made it easier for buyers to finance deals…”
“The Obama White House points out on its Web site:
"Encourag[ing] diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promot[ing] the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify[ing] the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum" is high on the administration's media/tech policy agenda, which Genachowski helped craft.”
“The Recovery Act calls for a comprehensive plan for national broadband, and the FCC is developing a plan due in February, 2010. The Recovery Act also provides for $7.2 billion for broadband internet access nationwide, including grants for rural broadband access, expanding computer center capacity, and sustainable broadband adoption initiatives.”

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