Friday, May 1, 2009

Hello, let me introduce myself:


My name is Shelley Townley, and I hope that this site will become a forum for political, social, philosophical and other discussions. For that reason, I will begin by telling you where I stand politically:

I believe:

1. In fiscal responsibility by myself, my countrymen and my government.

2. In personal responsibility by everyone.

3. In separation of church and state, but not obliteration of church from state.

4. That Judges must rule according to the Constitution and existing law and that they may not legislate from the bench.

5. That international law can never overrule our national or state law.

6. That justice and the law must be blind to race, religion, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation.

7. In gun control, including a ban on assault weapons.

8. That abortion should be legal in the early stages of pregnancy, but not in later stages, and that partial birth abortion is murder.

9. That we, as a society, should provide assistance to the young, the elderly, and those who cannot provide for themselves due to physical or mental disabilities, or due to a temporary loss of employment. That this assistance should also be blind.

10. That our Republican and Democratic leaders have gone so far off the reservation that, together, they represent only a small percentage of our population.

11. That we need a strong Independent Party to represent the rest of us, preferably before the other two Parties bankrupt the country.

I am open to discussion on any of these topics. I can, and sometimes do change my mind, but only when I am presented with new, verifiable, facts, and/or new logic.

I look forward to hearing from all of you deep thinkers.

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