Friday, May 15, 2009


I recently came across an essay that described the characteristics of a totalitarian society (at free I was struck by how many steps we have already taken in that direction, since the Democratic Party took control of Congress. In researching these steps, I was also struck by how things that sound wonderful, and are good in and of themselves, can be very bad if they make us dependent on any group that wants to control us.

Now, I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT MOST DEMOCRATS WANT TOTALITARIANISM. However, as a tongue in cheek exercise I imagined that, if they did, and had a checklist, it might look like the following:

By Shelley Townley

*To my knowledge the Democratic Party has no such checklist or plan. I do not believe that most Democrats want Totalitarianism. I think they are going down this road unwittingly.

1.Need political, economic, social, or other crises to create public acceptance of unprecedented changes.

A.Economic collapse – We had a lot of help with this one!
B.Global Warming - Thanks to Al Gore.
C.Swine Flu – Pandemic from Mexico

2.Need a charismatic, Popular Leader.

A.President Barack Obama
B.Positive propaganda by friendly press and elaborate rallies have been helpful in magnifying and even deifying the President.

3.Promise an Ideal Society.

A.Income Redistribution
B.National Health Care
C.Birth to grave Education System
D.Environment Saved
E.Economy saved and regulated by the government

4.Use of Modern Developments in Communication to Spread Message.

A.Internet - Very Successful. The President is able to reach millions with his message. His rallies and speeches are delivered instantaneously to the entire country (Also see Number 8).
B.Teleprompter – OK, maybe too much use of this one,

5.Identify opponents, use propaganda and ridicule to scapegoat them.

B.Fiscal Conservatives
C.Religious Conservatives
D.Right to Life Proponents
F.Gun Owners
G.Independent thinkers
I.Anyone who doesn’t agree with us

6.Seem to be working toward solving the problems, but use methods that will worsen the crises, and therefore fail, continuing the crises and therefore the need for yet more government intervention.

A.Continue unprecedented spending funded by ill advised borrowing, and printing money, leading to unsustainable debt, and inflation, crippling the economy for decades to come, if not collapsing it altogether.(Also see number 8.)
B.Global Warming is easy. Already accepted as a crisis even though the means to collect supporting data on a global basis does not yet exist. Impossible to gauge the extent of human influence, so impossible to determine success or failure. Good one Al Gore!
C.Scare everyone with talk of a Swine Flu Pandemic, raise the alert level to a 5 (out of 6), but don’t put any screening stations, or otherwise curb border crossings from Mexico, telling people, ”The flu is already here”. Hopefully they are not smart enough to understand that every infected person that crosses will infect tens to hundreds more in the US, increasing the spread of the flu exponentially.

7.Use the continuing crises to consolidate power and expand government.

A.Approve cap and trade taxes that do little to eliminate carbon from the air, but do increase energy costs to most industries, and to all citizens, further crippling the economy.
B.Create dozens of new Czars and agencies as well as thousands of new government jobs, making many more people beholden to the government and requiring yet higher taxes from the people, thereby further impoverishing them.
C.Pick winners and losers in the market, through selective bailouts, making the “winners” beholden to, and dependent on the government while destroying the “losers”.

8.Gain control and censorship of all forms of the media. Use the media to silence, scapegoat and marginalize any opposition, and to blame the scapegoats for all problems and failures.

B.Most newspapers - Done
C.Talk Radio - Use “Localism” which is the new Fairness Doctrine, an establish community organizations as review boards to censor content. ACORN, La Raza and other such organizations can then be appointed to the boards.
D.Extend FCC Authority to the internet as well as cable radio and TV. Use Localism as above to regulate broadcast content.
E.Movies make wonderful propaganda, especially falsified documentaries. George Soros’ influence on the film industry is invaluable. Al Gore and Michael Moore have been extremely helpful too.

9.Gain control of the education system.

A.Actually the Government does, for the most part, control the educational system from kindergarten through high school, in public schools and to a great extent in Charter Schools, because they accept Government funding. Exceptions are private schools, and home schooling. We will work to eliminate voucher programs nationwide, as we already have in Washington DC.
B.We will need to minimize home schooling, perhaps by enacting impossibly stringent requirements regarding curriculum and materials that must be met by parents attempting to home school their children.
C.President Obama envisions an education system that begins in utero, and ends with the grave. It would cover every aspect of life, at home, at school, in day care, in the community. All of these programs will be available on a sliding scale by income.
D.The President advocates government intervention at all stages, and stresses social re-education. By the time our children become adults, they will be well indoctrinated.
E.We have put massive amounts of money for education in every bill which can be available for this social re-education. We can use the Chicago Annenberg Challenge curriculum President Obama developed with Bill Ayers, with its revisionist history and Marxist agenda.

10.Gain control of the health care system.

A.The government already controls Medicare and Medicaid; Social Security too, for that matter.
B.The President is working to convince the American people that Nationalized Health Care will save money. Many are actually buying it. Let’s hope the public doesn’t figure out that the only way this could work is to have government rationing of treatment, and long waiting lists.
C.The Stimulus Bill includes up to 3.5 billion for Health Information Technology. This will put everyone’s health record into a National Data Base, which will be available to, and instantly updated by all their health providers. It will undoubtedly speed up care, and prevent many disastrous and possibly life threatening errors. We can also utilize it as the technological base for a National Health Care System.
D.The Stimulus Bill also includes 2.5 billion for Comparative Effectiveness Health Care Research, and has language that could allow the Federal Coordinating Council to make funding determinations based on the results of this research. This information will be helpful in the design of a National Health Care System that will eventually replace Medicare, Medicaid, and the current private system.
E.In the 2010 Budget Act is a provision that allows a “deficit neutral” health reserve fund to be set up, for funding a National Health Care System and another provision that will allow Congress to use Reconciliation to pass it. - Control of Health Care, Done.

11.Gain control of the banks and financial system.

A.Almost done, thanks to TARP & Bailouts.
B.The AIG bonus fiasco was genius. It took attention from the huge spending in the Stimulus and budget bills, and it put the fear of God in the banks. It also gave us an excuse for taking more control.
C.Timothy Geithner’s idea to change the bank stocks from preferred to common is brilliant. The common stock gives the owners the right to vote on company decisions. As the largest stockholder, the government would have almost complete control.
D.Next we will address control of credit cards.

12.Gain control of the country’s industry and commerce.

A.US Auto Industry-Done
B.GE – With 265 billion in bailouts, and their need for the wind turbine franchise, we own them too.
C.Construction and housing industry – By taking control of banks and by setting the mortgage rates and rules, we can control them.
D.Green Energy Industry- Massive Governmental infusion of cash, with directives will make this industry dependent on the government.
E.Fossil Fuel Energy Industry – Will be much reduced by Cap & Trade, and other heavy environmental restrictions.
Note: Cap & Trade will have the added benefit of enriching the less carbon producing companies, making them beholden to and dependent on the government. It will also make Al Gore and any investors in his company obscenely rich.
F.We can also find ways to make heavy environmental restrictions that will help the government to begin taking control of many diverse industries.
G.When the economy completely collapses, it will be easy to nationalize other major industries.

13.Eliminate or restrict all competing legal, social, religious, and political traditions.

A.The First Amendment to the Constitution, Separation of Church and State, has been used very successfully by the ACLU to marginalize the dominant religion in the US, Christianity. It has also been effective in pushing the idea that there should be absolutely no religious references in public life.
B.Charitable organizations of all kinds will be reduced by the loss of the tax deduction for charitable gifts which the Omnibus Budget had removed. More and more people will look to the government for charity.
C.In The American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009 there is a provision that gives stimulus money to schools and universities for upgrades and renovation of facilities. The provision has a clause that prohibits any of that money going to a facility that allows “religious worship” on its premises. Also, additional funding for faith based initiatives is removed from the final version of this bill.
D.The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act of 2009 also prohibits money going to religious facilities. In addition it eliminates the Points of Light Foundation that accepted private donations.

14.Participation in approved government organizations required.

A.Best to start with the Unions. They are already powerful allies. The Employee Free Choice Act will help here, when we get it passed.
B.Participation in the National Service Program (GIVE) is “expected” for all students in grant areas. This can be made mandatory in future.
C.Later, when we have more control, Democratic Party membership can be made mandatory.

15.Secret Police force answering only to the leader.

A.During his campaign, Barack Obama mentioned creating a Civilian National Security Force. He talked about it being as well equipped as the regular militia, except it would answer only to the President.
B.GIVE is a start. It covers all ages, has a lot of education reform, adds thousands of supervisory, education (in social reform), and organizational jobs to the public payroll. It also includes a National Service Reserve Corps composed of former military types that, in case of a national disaster, or other “emergency”, can be deployed anywhere in the country, by Americorps or simply at the President’s command. Unlike the National Guard, they will not need the permission of the state to come in. This can be gradually built upon.
C.Too bad HR 1388 was unable to pass with the service being mandatory. That can be changed later.

16.Opposition parties eliminated.

A.ACORN and LA RAZA have done a great job registering hundreds of thousands of voters, eligible or no, and diverting millions of dollars in government grants from their ”non-partisan” operations to their “Get Out the Vote” operations on behalf of the Democratic Party. Now that our party is in the majority, we have increased the grants to billions, more in almost every bill passed, so they will be even more effective in the future, especially now that our "Localism" initiative has become law. We can now make them the thought police.
B.The years of propaganda, which painted the opposition as evil war mongering extremists, plus the use of ridicule when smears weren’t effective, have really paid off.
C.It helps that we have control of much of the press. With luck, the opposition can be shut out until they are marginalized, and gradually elected out of congress. The law can then be changed to allow the President to serve for life.

17.The Leader is above the law. It is a tool he uses to control the citizens.

A.We will continue to work to put liberal judges in place in every state, who are willing to make decisions on a case by case basis, according to their political agenda. They will also be helpful when a close election is appealed.
B.We must be sure Trans-nationalist Professor Harold Koh’s appointment as legal advisor to the U.S. Department of State goes through.
C.We will continue to do everything possible to marginalize the Constitution, and encourage Legislation from the bench.
D.The President, of course, will appoint left wing judges to the Supreme Court at every opportunity. If we are successful, the President will eventually be able to rule by decree, and the court system will become a rubber stamp.

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