Monday, May 4, 2009


I just read an article, by Connie Hair, called "ACORN Pushes Return of Fairness Doctrine", dated 02/18/09, at Ms.Hair believes that "ACORN is readying a campaign to kill conservative talk radio".

I. Make it possible for low- and moderate-income community groups to have their own sources of information

A. Initiate government funding to low- and moderate-income community groups in order to assist them in establishing their own sources of information.

B. Exempt government funding to low- and moderate-income community groups in order to assist them in establishing their own sources of information.

C. The Federal Communication Commission should revise its policies so that broadcast applicants with low- and moderate-income boards of directors are more likely to be awarded stations.

II. Make the mainstream media accessible and accountable to low- and moderate-income people.

A. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting, so that grass roots community groups have equal time to express their views.

B. Require cable TV companies to make good on their promises to allow community groups access to air time, or revoke their operating licenses.

I am extremely concerned about plans being discussed by the current administration regarding the imposition, on the media, of “community watchdog boards” with the purpose of judging whether the content “serves the public interest, locally”. These boards would have the power of intimidation, or even the ability to cause the loss of broadcast licenses. This would amount to blatant censorship, and would be the death of free speech in America.

Any entity with the power to determine whether media content “serves the public interest” would do so according to their own agenda. Whoever is in charge would have the ability to silence any opposition, thereby ensuring continued power. This would be the death of democracy in America.

We would consider any support of such legislation as evidence of intention to do away with free speech, and democracy in the United States. As your constituents, we expect you to fight any such legislation. We promise we will be watching.


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