Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Like many of you, I have been turned into a reluctant conspiracy theorist, since I began studying Obama and his background as well as the origins of the financial crisis, in October of 2008. Like you, I wake up every day praying that I am wrong, but the more I learn, the more evidence I find that there is a conspiracy.

George Soros, the patron saint of the Democratic Party, believes in; gay rights, legalization of all drugs, legal abortion, including partial birth, unrestricted immigration with entitlements, euthanasia, and a world wide totalitarian socialist society. In the 1960s, he began funding "Open Society Institutes" and other organizations with beneficial sounding names. These groups are all over the world. His strategy is to finance their start-up, and teach them to apply for government funding. He then remains a mentor and grooms promising candidates to enter the public arena, and spread his message.

He hooked up with Cloward and Piven who wrote "The Weight of the Poor. A Strategy to end Poverty", which described their strategy to force political change through "Ochestrated Chaos", the goal of which is to use manufactured crises to bring about the fall of democratic governments, in order to create the conditions for their perfect society.

Together, in 1967, they enlisted George Wiley, and created the National Welfare Reform Organization (NWRO) which bankrupted New York City. In 1970, Wade Rathke, a George Wiley protege', created ACORN.

Many of Soros' organizations use the Saul Alinsky method of community organization. They employ his "Rules for Radicals" which are, at best, underhanded, and follow "the end justifies the means" philosophy. Alinsky was a Marxist. Obama was trained at the Saul Alinsky Institute.

It was Obama who represented ACORN when they went to President Clinton, and successfully got the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) put on steroids, also paving the way for mortgages to be bundled as securities, and allowing community organizations to be the watchdogs.

In 1991, it was Obama who represented ACORN (and the US Justice Dept.) vs. Citibank to successfully force them to make more subprime loans.

I believe it was about 1993-4, that Obama represented ACORN in a successful suit against Illinois to force implementation of the Motor Voter Law.

George Soros has a long time association with Goldman-Sachs. For many years, virtually all of our government financial officials and advisors have come out of Goldman-Sachs.; including Greenspan, Paulson and Geithner. Bernanke is an exception.*

Countries, such as Poland and Russia, that have taken Soros' financial advice, have ended with their economies in shatters. He has orchestrated successful attacks on currencies, such as those of Great Britain, Italy and Thailand. The people of these countries end up poorer, pensioners bankrupted, and George ends up richer by billions.

He backs drug lords, and drug lord friendly candidates such as Alejandro Toledo, who he helped to overturn the anti-drug government of President Fujimori in Peru. George used Human Rights Watch, which he founded, to malign Fujimori's government. Within months of Toledo's victory the drug cartels (who routinely use murder and torture) were back in business.

I fear that the US is now taking Mr Soros' advice. I fear that much of Europe is too.

*This is a correction to an earlier version of this post.

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